About the Creative Writing Conservatory

The Creative Writing Conservatory is an MFA-modeled course of study that offers students a flexible concentration of classes and writing opportunities. Student-focused and evolving, the workshops and topics present contemporary and classic works side by side to serve as models of excellent writing. Publishing and performance opportunities are paired with craft study to develop a balanced and accomplished writing student.

Student Experience

As members of the Creative Writing Conservatory, students participate in a variety of classes, events, and opportunities — all in the pursuit of sharpening their writing skills. 

After completing a set of required classes in the fundamental areas of writing — fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and dramatic writing —students self-select their concentration through a series of required electives. Multiple workshops, literature classes, genre studies, and industry prep classes are offered each semester. In and out of class, the writer’s life is explored through exciting activities, including literary-focused field trips, seasonal play festivals, open mic nights, and the publication of an annual literary magazine, all in hopes of fostering a lifelong writing community.

  • “CSArts-SGV is filling us with the passion and resources to really do something with our lives. Both my friends and my teachers want to see everyone succeed. It gives me confidence knowing that I have this cushion of support if I ever fall.”
    Kai Armstrong – Class of 2020
  • "Before attending CSArts-SGV, I was unsure of the feasibility of a career in storytelling; however, the conservatory program has solidified my determination to become a writer in the future. Yet, with the support of my instructors, I don’t need to wait for the future because I’m already a writer in the present—all that’s left is to stay open to learning."
    Olivia Lee – Class of 2021
  • “While I had always thought of writing as an isolated art, the Creative Writing Conservatory offered so many opportunities to make writing a team experience and a real-world experience through workshops, mini musicals, and collaborations with other conservatories that challenged us to be more creative and involved.”
    Phalaen Chang – Class of 2019

Preparing Students for the Future

Students who graduate from Creative Writing have a broad knowledge of writing and literature, which can be applied confidently to both writing and non-writing related majors.

Students who pursue writing will enter university programs familiar with the workshop model and with a large body of work already completed. Such students have had up to four years of dedicated writing practice that has improved and focused their individual skill level. Students who pursue other courses of study do so as highly literate individuals.