CSArts-SGV's textbook list will be posted at the beginning of the school year. Students wishing to purchase a second set of textbooks for home use can check out several websites where textbooks/e-textbooks can be purchased/rented/traded:
Amazon.com (Buy/Sell)
Chegg.com (Rentals)
Half.Ebay.com/Textbooks (Buy/Sell)
Students are responsible for the textbooks assigned to them and are required to pay for books that are damaged, lost, or stolen. Textbook numbers should be recorded immediately in the student planner to ensure that the student returns the correct book at the end of the year. Students should write their full name and school year in the inside front cover of their textbooks. This is the only writing allowed in the textbooks. The charges for textbooks include:
• A fine for damage to the binding/cover
• Full cost of the book for damage to the inside pages
• Full cost to replace the book if lost
Students who have missing books or other property fines will not receive their diploma (seniors) or be able to register for the following school year until all fines are cleared. Students are encouraged to cover their books, but may not use adhesive book covers that could damage the cover or tear the text when removed.