Student Data, Records & Student Forms

Changes to student information, including address changes, emergency contacts, phone numbers, etc. are submitted by the parent via the Aeries student/parent portal. Parents can update parent/student data by going to Aeries and selecting from the "Student Info" pull-down tab and clicking on "Data Confirmation." In addition, changes to student authorizations and email addresses can also be updated in the portal. Email changes are made by selecting the tabs "Options" and "Change Email."

Review of student records by a parent/guardian, or other authorized representative, is available by written request to the School Registrar, Jean Near-Ansari. An appointment time will be arranged to review the records with the Registrar or the student’s counselor.

Jean Near-Ansari

Jean Near-Ansari

Registrar/CALPADS Administrator


Transcripts/Report Cards - Current CSArts-SGV Students

All official Progress Report grades and semester grades are maintained in Aeries. Daily progress marks can be viewed by students and parents in CSArts-SGV's Schoology Portal. Parents and students may review permanent student grades in Aeries.

Official transcripts for current students are requested through California School for the Arts has partnered with Parchment to order and send your transcript and other credentials securely. The button below will open a new browser. There is a nominal fee for official transcripts, which must be paid with a valid credit card on their site.

NOTE: FRLP students, please email Jean Near-Ansari at for your transcript requests. Please include the schools/programs to which your transcripts will be sent.

Current students who have questions regarding their official transcript order can visit the Administrative Office, or email us at

Unofficial transcripts and report cards for current students can be obtained by going to the student’s/parent’s Aeries account and clicking on the Grades tab. If you have technical difficulties with Aeries, please contact CSArts Tech Support at

CSArts does not mail home progress reports or report cards. Students and parents will want to download a copy of these documents for their personal use from the Aeries portal. Report cards are maintained in the Aeries portal for the current year only.

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Mid-Year School Withdrawal Information

When the decision is made by the parent to withdraw their child from CSArts-SGV mid-year, please visit this page to report your intent to withdraw your child from CSArts-SGV. Upon completion of the intent to withdrawal, please allow the office up to five days to complete the process. At this time, textbooks must be returned, fees collected, and Cafeteria account closed with DUSD food services.

On the student's last day of attendance, the student must complete the following steps:

  • Return the following items to the registrar:
    • CSArts-SGV Student ID Card
    • CSArts-SGV Textbooks - lost or damaged books must be paid for prior to release of withdrawal documents

On receipt of the signed withdrawal document and school property, the parent will be provided with an unofficial transcript, record of immunization, test record, and official withdrawal documentation, which includes withdrawal grades for use when enrolling the student at their new school. The student's cumulative school records will be forwarded to the student's new school upon request from the authorized school. 

End of the Year School Withdrawal

Parents who do not plan to continue their student's enrollment at CSArts-SGV for the following year must notify CSArts-SGV of this decision prior to the end of the school year. Visit this page to report your intent to withdraw your child from CSArts-SGV.

Students leaving at the end of the year will not need to meet with the registrar or obtain withdrawal documents. Student records, which will include the student's final grades and official transcript, will be forwarded to the new school upon the request of the authorized school. 

Entertainment Work Permits

Students needing an Entertainment Work Permit to work in the entertainment industry must submit their work permit application to the school registrar, whose office is located in the Administrative Offices. Permit application forms are available online to download from the Department of Labor Standards.

Parents must complete the top portion of the permit application and sign the form prior to their child submitting it to the registrar. There is a minimum 24 hour turnaround on Entertainment Work Permit application approval, please plan accordingly. Students who submit their application in the morning can pick up their approved application from the registrar's door mailbox during Office Hours the following day. CSArts-SGV does not mail work permit applications home or to the Department of Labor Standards.

Students applying for an Entertainment Work Permit must have satisfactory semester grades of "C" or better in all classes, and no more than 15 absences in the school year, as reflected on the most recent semester grade report. Students who do not meet this requirement will have their application returned without school approval, and will need to wait to reapply at the end of the next semester.

Our front desk receptionists manage and maintain the Work Permit process for all employment other than entertainment. 

CALGRANTS / Web Grants

Senior students planning to attend a California college or university, including community college, will submit a Cal Grant GPA Information Release form to the registrar in the fall. Release forms are distributed to seniors in their Government/Econ classes. CSArts-SGV, as a service to its seniors, electronically reports GPA data to the Cal Grant/Web Grant portal for Cal Grant consideration. The senior student and their parent must then be sure that their FAFSA application (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is also submitted by the required March deadline. 

CSArts-SGV graduates who have less than 24 college credits at the end of their freshman college year, and who will be applying for a Cal Grant for their college sophomore year, will need to submit their college Cal Grant GPA Information Release form to CSArts' registrar. Please email the release form to The release form must be submitted no later than one week prior to the Cal Grant submission deadline in March. The release form can be obtained here or the graduate's college/university.