Important School Safety Documents

The first button below contains our Comprehensive School Safety Plan, which also includes supporting documents such as our Emergency Manual, Student-Parent Handbook, and Employee Handbook. Below that, the Emergency Manual button will take you to just those specific procedures. Please contact Leon Metoyer if you have further questions.

Situation Signal Action
Fire Intermittent Bell Evacuate

Building Shaking

Intermittent bell

No bell sounds

Duck and cover

Evacuate when intermittent bell sounds

Use best judgement to evacuate if bell fails


PA Announcement: "There is an intruder. This is a lockdown. This is not a drill."

Lock down all rooms and keep students away from doors and windows - employ run, hide, fight training
Secure Classroom

PA announcement due to neighborhood police/public/local activity:

During class:

"Due to [insert situation], please lock classroom doors until further notice. Do not leave campus. Teaching may resume. Students in bathrooms should lock the main door until the all clear is given."

During break:

"Due to [insert situation], please calmly proceed to the nearest classroom and lock doors until further notice. Do not leave campus."

Lock doors and stay inside

Wait for another announcement

Loss of Power

Lights shut off

Phones / electrical equipment do not work

Remain in classroom for further instructions
Classroom Incident Various actions will indicate a classroom emergency in progress - this could include a student altercation, a medical crisis, etc.

Call Health Office or Front Desk (use buttons on phone)

CALL 911 if a student has a head injury, is unconscious, or not breathing

Move students away from the emergency


Spot an overdose:

  • Blue/grey nails and lips
  • Slow breathing or absence of breathing
  • Rattling / snoring sounds
  • Unresponsiveness
  • Pinpoint pupils

Call Health Office or Front Desk (use buttons on phone)

CALL 911 if the person is unresponsive

Retrieve Naloxone / Narcan

  • Music Center Office
  • 111
  • 205
  • Studio G
  • 400
  • Wellness Center
  • Gym
  • PAC
  • Cafeteria
  • Health Office

Use Naloxone / Narcan

  • Follow instructions on the box
  • There are two doses per box
  • Use one dose in one nostril and wait 2-3 minutes
  • If still unresponsive, use the other dose in the other nostril


Evacuation Routes Out of Buildings


Direction to Evacuate the Building

Music Center Exit north gate to Highland parking lot, head east, and use the field’s northwest corner gate to access the field
100 Wing (Pink Building) Utilize breezeway between gym and 100s to access the field
Gym Utilize breezeway between gym and 100s to access the field
Administrative Offices, Cafeteria Utilize breezeway between gym and 100s to access the field
200 Wing (Blue Building) Utilize breezeway between gym and 100s to access the field
Performing Arts Center (PAC) and Scenic Lab Exit to PAC sidewalk, head east, and use the field’s northwest corner gate to access the field
Dance Portables A - D Exit Central staff parking gate to Central Ave, head east, and use the field’s southwest corner gate to access the field
Dance Portables E - H and Wellness Center Exit breezeway to Central Ave, head east, and use the field’s southwest corner gate to access the field
400 Wing Go around the PAC, head east, and use the field’s northwest corner gate to access the field

Evacuation Accountabilities - Faculty & Staff

  1. Have all students and guests leave the room calmly. Evacuate the building immediately on your designated route.
  2. Bring your Emergency Accountability Form, Attendance Roster, and classroom keys.
  3. Once you have arrived at your designated location, complete the Emergency Accountability Form and submit to the command post.